· Franz Helmberger · 2 min read
Tasks + AI in To Do Vo Do
New feature in To Do Vo Do AI chat.

To Do Vo Do version 0.0.50 has a new feature:
Tasks + AI / Chat with your tasks
- Uses OpenAI Api (You need an API Key - the using is not free of charge!)
- It is independently from the previous main features of To Do Vo Do.
- The task data from Microsoft To Do are downloaded from Microsoft and now uploaded directly to OpenAI, no other servers are involved.
- It is an experimental feature (Microsoft 365 Copilot makes this obsolete)
Video on YouTube: Microsoft To Do Tasks + Artificial Intelligence von OpenAI mit To Do Vo Do
You can read more about the motivation to implement this feature on helmbergers.com blog (in German): Microsoft To Do + Artificial Intelligence in To Do Vo Do.
The settings dialog has new settings for this feature:
- API Key: Create one on OpenAI
- see below
- Model: AI model for chatting: tested with
- gpt-3.5-turbo (cheaper, fast)
- text-davinci-003 (10 times more expensive, slower, text formatting and links)
- Temperature: 0.0 - 1.0 - 0: being the most predictable and 1 being te most random
Create an OpenAI Api Key
- Login on OpenAI Apps with your Open AI Account (It’s the same as ChatGPT or Dall-E Account).
- Click on your profile image (top right) and choose API keys on the menue.
- Click Create new secret key, name it (for example ToDoVoDo) and copy the value - this is your API Key.
- Optional: set usage limits (Billing/Usage limits)
- Copy the API Key into your settings page in To Do Vo Do.
Tasks + AI
- Go to page Tasks + AI (menu entry)
- Select your lists you want to have as context for your chat
- Chat with To Do Vo Do about your tasks.
Default Settings
- API Key: empty
- Model: gpt-3.5-turbo
- Temperature: 0.1
Call to Action
If you are using Microsoft To Do, try also To Do Vo Do!
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- Video on YouTube: Microsoft To Do Tasks + Artificial Intelligence von OpenAI mit To Do Vo Do
- Blog entry in helmbergers.com (in German): Microsoft To Do + Artificial Intelligence in To Do Vo Do
- To Do Vo Do
- OpenAI Apps
- Microsoft To Do